Taking Images of Young Athletes
Capturing images and videos of children and young people is a great way of celebrating achievements and promoting the sport. However, consideration must be given to informed parental consent, the approval of the devices images may be taken on, and how these are stored and used. Consent gained for photographs, or video does not extend to the technology that allows capturing and sharing of images such as via webcams and chat rooms.
Advances in technology that allow us to capture digital images and videos have resulted in the reality that children and young people are at risk of abuse, bullying, cyber-bullying and child sexual exploitation from image sharing. Their right to privacy may be breached, putting high profile or already vulnerable children and young people at risk if not managed correctly.
Images can be shared in a click, or easily printed off and as a result image usage comes with an obligation to ensure the rights and safety of the children and young people captured in images are protected.
The risk comes from:
• Taking inappropriate or illegal images of children and young people.
• Children and young people taking and sharing inappropriate images of their friends and team-mates
• The image and identification of the child or young person in the wording relating to the image may result in them being identified
(such as adopted children), contacted or information gained to enable grooming, either face-to-face or via a social media platform.
• Publication or sharing of images inappropriately to exploit, embarrass or harass children and young people.
• Parents and caregivers may give consent but not fully understand which device will be used, who it belongs to, how images and recordings are shared and stored.
The purpose of this policy
The purpose of the policy is to provide guidance to protect and safeguard children and young people and identify any breaches swiftly.
Who this policy and procedures applies to?
This policy applies to all members and contractors providing services for or associated with Ripples St Marys Swim Club. The policy applies to all children and young people who members come into contact with while carrying out their role at Ripples St Marys Swim Club.
Everyone wishing to film or take photos of children and young people at Ripples St Marys Swim Club has a responsibility to comply with the following guidance.
Safe use of images of children and young people
All members will be made aware of this policy.
All children, young people, parents, and caregivers will be made aware of this policy.
Ensure parental/caregiver/ consent is obtained via Ripples St Marys Swim Club Photo Release Consent Form. Verbal consent alone must not be accepted under any circumstance.
Ripples St Marys Swim Club will promote a culture within the club that the reporting of breaches of this policy by its members is in order to keep children and young people safe.
Minimising the risk
Photography in changing rooms, toilets and showers is not allowed under any circumstances.
Parents, caregivers and the children and young people must not take images of themselves or other children and young people in a changing room, toilet or shower.
Children and young people must be dressed in kit related to the sport, recreation or activity and in clothing that does not expose them unnecessarily.
Images should focus on the activity or sport, rather than individual children and young people where possible.
Respecting the rights and wishes of the child or young person
Inform children and young people of this policy and safe working practices related to this policy to enable them to alert a member of Ripples St Marys Swim club of any breaches.
At the time, prior to capturing the image or recording, obtain verbal consent from the child or young person to ensure they are happy to proceed, even if parental consent was obtained.
Explain to the child or young person the purpose of capturing the image and how it will be used and stored.
Offer to show the child or young person the image to ensure they are happy for it to be used prior to sharing or publicising.
If they decline, do not proceed, even if a parental consent form is signed.
In situations when parental consent is not given, it must be respected and communicated with staff members to ensure the rights of the child are safeguarded and protected.
Storage and sharing of images
Photographs or recordings of children and young people must be kept secure and not shared unless for the purpose the image was taken in accordance with the signed parental consent form.
Photographs and recordings must only be shared with approved club members, e.g. the person responsible for marketing, social media or newsletters.
Breaches related to the storage and sharing of images and recordings must be reported to the Ripples St Marys Swim Club Child Protection officer immediately.
Hard copies must be kept in a locked cupboard or drawer.
Photographs and recordings must be stored on a password protected drive by a nominated club representative.
Responding to complaints and concerns
It is important that concerns or allegations related to inappropriate taking or use of images of children and young people are dealt with in the same way as any other child-protection issue. Always consult with our Clubs Child Protection Officer and follow Swimming Australia’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Member Protection Policy for more information.
Swimming Australia’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Member Protection Policy for more information.